Mastering Project Management in Software Development: Pro Tips & Guide

Every project must have a project manager. The position, duties, and qualifications needed for a project manager will be discussed in this article. At Decodermind, we mostly concentrate on blockchain technologies and applications, but in this essay, I'll attempt to be as general and abstract as I can.

Hamid Salman Hamid Salman

Let's define the distinction between a project manager and a product manager before we go into the specifics.

Project Manager vs Product Manager

A project manager's responsibility is to organize and delegate the system's development process, whereas a product manager is responsible for the product's overall vision.


Now that that is over, we can concentrate on the specifics of project management. We'll talk about the following topics:

Necessary skills

1.Management Capability

Your first necessary skill is management. It is your responsibility as a project manager to ensure that the software development process proceeds as planned, liaise with various software development teams, and update the client or product owner on the status. The project must be divided into more manageable tasks or divisions, and each must be given a development team. Additionally, you must determine how long each task and the entire project will take. If an unforeseen issue arises, you should be the one to alert the clients, work with the development team to find a solution, and then finalize the updated plans and estimates with the team.

You can select from a variety of project management techniques depending on the sort of your project, your team, and your prior experiences. Scrum, Kanban, XP, etc. are all options. You can experiment with these techniques to see which one best fits your personality. There are several courses and tools that can aid you along your route.


The person in charge of all communications is the project manager. It is the project manager's responsibility to communicate the development team's messages to the clients and the client's requests to the team. Make sure that all of the software development-related information is completely clear; if there is any ambiguity, discuss it with both parties. As a result, in addition to having outstanding communication skills, you also need to be technically knowledgeable so that you can clearly explain the remarks of the software development team to the clients. This leads us to our next point.

3.Technical expertise

Although it may seem needless, this step is crucial for project management. The project manager should at least be acquainted with some of the programming languages and frameworks used by your team, depending on the stack they employ for development. This information will be useful in practically every way, from calculating the amount of time needed for each work to being able to communicate complex concepts to non-technical project participants. It's vital to remember that you only need to have enough information to understand how everything functions; you don't need to understand the technical details or read the code.

Along with broad programming expertise, you'll need to be knowledgeable about your industry specifically. For instance, project managers at Decodermind should be familiar with the fundamentals of blockchain technology, including cryptocurrencies, mining, blocks, chains, smart contracts, standards, and other related issues. Similar to programming, you don't need to be an expert in every aspect of blockchain, but once you do, it will be simple to grasp the specifics of each project.

Project Duration


The five stages of requirement gathering, system design and development, testing and quality assurance, deployment, and support make up the lifespan of each project. All of these processes involve a project manager, albeit some of them need more hands-on assistance. Requirement gathering, design and development, testing, and quality assurance are these processes.

1.Acquiring requirements

The project manager should record a project's specs at the start of each project and before designing the system. Typically, this may be accomplished by speaking with the clients and getting their input on the features and specifics that they would want to see. Key clients may already have a list of the features they want but examine it carefully because it is simple to overlook some things. Following completion, the document must be shared with the development team. Since it is likely to have some ambiguities, the manager must work with the client to resolve them.

2.Development and Design

The system is designed and developed once the creators have all the necessary data to start the project. You must maintain contact with the clients and product owners during this phase, which is somewhat similar to the previous one but to a lesser extent, by confirming implementation details with them, responding to their inquiries, and asking them for any additional information the developers might need. It is best to retain track of this data in the original document prepared for requirement gathering, and the customer and developers should have access to it at all times during the project.

3.Testing & Quality Assurance

Similar to development, testing and quality assurance should have its own team and personnel because testing an application, such as a website, can take a lot of time and expertise. Therefore, thorough testing of the product is not the project manager's role; nonetheless, the project manager is responsible for testing the application to ensure that it includes the functionality that the client requested. Another duty is to provide a communication channel between the test team and the development team. The project manager spends less time on the procedure as a result and gains substantial time.


Remember that testing is a continual process rather than a one-time project. This implies that testing should be done for every significant update and new feature added to the system. However, there are differences in the recommended amount of testing. For instance, thorough testing should be done on every part of the project before the first deployment of a system rather than just when a new feature is implemented. After development is complete, the project should be tested for all features and functionalities before deployment. It might also be helpful to use other sources of testing, such as audits for smart contracts. The final application can be shared with the clients after testing is complete and all issues have been resolved. Once you have received confirmation that everything is functioning as planned, you can start the project.

Testing is more crucial when a change is made or a feature is introduced to a project that has already been released due to the risks, such as information loss. It's crucial to keep a copy of the previous version in case something goes wrong and you need to roll back.


In this post, we discussed some of the essential elements of project management as well as the requirements for a successful project manager. Since that's what we do at Decodermind, the focus of this essay was on blockchain-related projects; nevertheless, similar principles can be applied to any software project management. Consider following us if you enjoyed this article. Visit us: