Unlocking NFTs: What They Are & How They Work

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that have their properties and cannot be subdivided or broken into smaller units. To put it simply, they are Tokens that are not interchangeable. Non-fungible tokens can be used to represent ownership, provide access to restricted features, or work as an asset in a game. These tokens use cryptographic proofs instead of an Ethereum address for each token. NFTs enable more secure and useful applications than standard ERC721 tokens. Everything you need to know about Non-Fungible tokens is explained below:

Hamid Salman Hamid Salman

What is NFT?

What is Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

Non-fungible tokens are a special type of token that is used to represent something unique or of value. You can think of it as the digital equivalent of real-world assets like a house or a painting. Each one is unique and different from the others.

So, for example, 2 people might own 2 houses, but the houses are different and have their characteristics. In the same way, 2 people might own 2 different types of artwork. The artworks are unique and different from each other. So, they are non-fungible assets/tokens.

How does Non-Fungible Token work in real life?

Non-fungible tokens can act as tokens that represent a specific good or service.

You can also use it as a share or security token. You can also use it as a membership token in an organization or a special event. This is the most common way that NFTs are used. For example, you can use NFTs to represent a ticket for a music concert or an exhibition.

The owner can then prove that they have access to the event. You can also use NFTs to recognize the ownership of unique assets like artwork. The owner can then prove that they own the piece of art and can also provide proof of their ownership.

You can also use NFTs to keep track of membership in an organization. You can also use NFTs to represent the ownership of different assets. For example, you can use NFTs to represent the ownership of different paintings.

Visual representation of practical applications of NFT technology

Why do we need NFT?

NFTs are unique tokens that are linked to unique assets. This can have a wide range of applications, such as in the digital art market. If someone wants to buy a piece of art, they can purchase the token representing the art rather than the art itself. The artist can then make the art available for viewing online, allowing a wider range of people to view it.

NFTs can also be used in the gaming industry, where players can advance through a game by collecting tokens that represent various pieces of equipment or special abilities. NFTs can also be used to represent a token that gives voting rights or access to a special event.

NFTs can also be used to represent a token that gives access to an online service or product. NFTs can also be used to represent a token that gives ownership of a certain good, such as music or an e-book.

Benefits of using NFT

NFTs are unique:

A token can only be given to one person at a time. This makes it a secure way to represent ownership.

NFTs are tradable:

Since they are digital and unique, tokens can be traded. This can also be a secure way to represent ownership, depending on what you’re trading.

NFTs are interoperable:

Tokens can be used across different platforms and can represent different types of assets and services.

NFT can be used in different industries:

Tokens can be used in a wide variety of industries, including gaming, art, real estate, and more.

Limitations of using NFT

NFTs are not fungible:

If you have a token that represents a specific good or service, you cannot exchange it for another token representing a different good or service.

NFTs are not universally accepted:

While online platforms that use NFTs are increasing, they’re not as widely accepted or useful as standard ERC20 tokens.

NFTs are expensive:

While there are benefits to using NFTs, they are also more costly to create and manage.

NFTs are not accepted by many retailers:

There is currently no widely accepted standard for how to use NFTs, so many retailers are unable to accept them.


NFTs are unique tokens that can represent a wide assortment of things. They can be used to represent unique pieces of art, rare collectibles, tickets, or anything else that is unique and special. They can also be used to represent ownership of a certain good or product or give voting rights or access to a special event.

NFTs can offer a lot of benefits over standard ERC20 tokens, such as linking to a unique piece of art or other item and allowing for interoperability between different platforms. There are, however, some downsides to using NFTs.

They are not fungible and cannot be exchanged for another token representing a different good or service.

They are also more expensive to create and manage than standard tokens. They are not universally accepted, are not accepted by many retailers, and are not used by a wide range of industries.

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